Lee Powder Through Expanding Pistol Die 40 Smith & Wesson [90620]

Lee Powder Through Expanding Pistol Die 40 Smith &

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Lee Powder Through Expanding Pistol Die 40 Smith & Wesson [90620]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 90620
  • MPN: 90620
  • UPC: 734307906207

Lees Powder Through Expanding Die permits charging the case while expanding the case mouth. Every Lee 3-Die Set includes this Powder Through Expanding Die at no extra cost. The powder funnel adapter can be replaced with a Lee case activated powder measure for fully automatic powder charging while the case mouth is being expanded.

MPN: 90620
UPC: 734307906207
Brand: Lee

Department: Dies » Powder » Through Expanding Die

Lee Powder Through Expanding Pistol Die 40 Smith & Wesson [90620]

Type: Powder Through Expanding Pistol Die
Caliber: 40 Smith & Wesson
Application: Reloading

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