Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Natural [49046]

Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Na

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Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Natural [49046]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 49046
  • MPN: 49046
  • UPC: 076683490469

Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Medium 1in Dia Natural [49046] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Optic Accessories including Rings And Adaptors. Browse our selection of Rings And Adaptors Optics and m

These rings feature two straps and four screws for added gripping power for these lightweight, all aircraft aluminum rings. Thumbscrews allow for quick detach.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 076683490469
MPN: 49046
Class: Rings And Adaptors
Make: Quad Lock
Series: Rings
Size: 1"
Height: Medium
Finish: Black Matte
Style: Quick Detach
Material: Aluminum
One or Two Piece: 2
Adaptor Type: Warne/Weaver
Mount Type: Warne/Weaver
Lock Type: 4 Screws
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