Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Dia Matte Black [49049]

Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di
Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Di

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Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Dia Matte Black [49049]
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Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 49049
  • MPN: 49049
  • UPC: 076683490490

Weaver Quad-Lock Rings Quad Lock Extra High 1in Dia Matte Black [49049] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Optic Accessories including Rings And Adaptors. Browse our selection of Rings And Adaptors Opti

Two straps and four screws provide added gripping power for these lightweight, all-alluminum rings. Thumbscrews allow for quick detach.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 076683490490
MPN: 49049
Class: Rings And Adaptors
Make: Quad Lock
Series: Rings
Size: 1"
Height: Extra High
Tube Diameter: Quad Lock
Finish: Black Matte
Style: Quick Detach
Material: Aluminum
One or Two Piece: 2
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