Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W6330]

Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W633
Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W633
Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W633
Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W633

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Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W6330]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: W6330
  • MPN: W6330
  • UPC: 049818210263

Tinks Power Pig Sow-In-Heat Hog Lure Estrous [W6330] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your Hunting Supplies and Hunting Scents. Browse our selection of Hunting Scents and more.

Sow-in-Heat is one of the best possible boar attractants. It enhances the breeding urge for the boar and increases his level of aggression towards other breeding boars in the area. Sow-in-Heat product is collected from sows during their estrous cycle and is just the right draw to out that smart old boar. Taken from sows in their estrous cycle. Attracts boars. Used around your hunting location and in hog traps.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 049818210263
MPN: W6330
Class: Hunting Scents
Make: Power Pig
Series: Sow-In-Heat
Species: Sow
Volume: 4 oz
Quantity: 1
Scent Type: Attractant
Dispenser Type: Liquid
Scented: Sow In Estrous
Material: Sow Estrous Urine
Made From: Sow Estrous Urine
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