Hornady Series I 2-Die Set 6.5/284 [546301]

Hornady Series I 2-Die Set 6.5/284 [546301]

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Hornady Series I 2-Die Set 6.5/284 [546301]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 546301
  • MPN: 546301
  • UPC: 090255563016

Hornadys Custom-Grade dies provide a lifetime of reloading. They are so well-crafted that they are guaranteed never to break or wear out from normal use. The Sip Spindle design features a series of light threads cut on the spindle and spindle collet. This design eliminates slippage and takes the knuckle-busting out of the tightening the spindle lock while making spindle adjustments a snap.

MPN: 546301
UPC: 090255563016
Brand: Hornady

Department: Dies » Series I » 2 Die Set

Hornady Series I 2-Die Set 6.5/284 [546301]

Type: 2-Die Set
Caliber: 6.5/284
Die Series: I
Metal Type: Steel
Application: Reloading

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