Hornady Reloading Bullets XTP 9mm 147 Grain [35580]

Hornady Reloading Bullets XTP 9mm 147 Grain 100 Pe

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Hornady Reloading Bullets XTP 9mm 147 Grain 100 Per Box [35580]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!
  • Model: 35580
  • MPN: 35580
  • UPC: 090255235586

Hornady Reloading Bullets XTP 9mm 147 Grain [35580] - Ammo Freedom carries hornady reloading bullets and reloading supplies. Find hornady reloading for sale online, in-stock and ready-to-ship.

Designed for hunting, self-defense and law enforcement applications, the XTP bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. The stopping power of the XTP bullet has a truly built its world-class reputation. Precise serrations divide the bullet into symmetrical sections, strategically weakening the jacket and initiating controlled expansion even at low velocities. The gilding metal jacket protects the nose of the bullet, while the total uniformity of core density ensures balanced expansion as well as in-flight stability.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 090255235586
MPN: 35580
Class: Reloading Bullets
Make: XTP
Series: Hollow Point
Bullet Diameter: .355
Weight: 147 GR
Bullet Caliber: 9mm
Jacket Material: Copper
Bullet Tip Material: Hollow Point
Core Material: Lead
Coefficient: 0.167
Sectional Density: 0.167
Quantity: 100
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