MTM Utility Box Flip Top Ammo Box P-50 Series [P503810]

MTM Utility Box Flip Top Handgun Ammo Box P-50 Ser

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MTM Utility Box Flip Top Handgun Ammo Box P-50 Series [P503810]
  • Low inventory!

Typically ships in 2-5 business days!

Ammunition may not be returned!
  • Model: P503810
  • MPN: P503810
  • UPC: 026057107103

MTM Utility Box Flip Top Ammo Box P-50 Series [P503810] - Shop Ammo Freedom for all your outdoor hunting and shooting accessories. Low prices, in-stock and ready to ship.

MTM's P-50 series features a flip-top lid and is molded to hold 50 rounds of ammo in a neat 5x10 grid. These ammo boxes have a textured surface for gripping and a grooved lid designed to for easy stacking. Choose from five sizes in multiple colors. Each box is supplied with a load label for at-a-glance organization.

** Item Details ** Find Similar Products
UPC: 026057107103
MPN: P503810
Class: Utility Boxes
Make: Case-Gard
Series: P-50
Model: P50
Finish: Green
Size: 38/357
Material: Polypropylene
Capacity: 50 rd
Dimensions: 1.66" Max OAL
Proofs: Dust/Moisture-Resistant
Hardware: Snap Latch
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